Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thoughts on blogging

So, my posts on this blog have been sorely delayed by the conundrum of how much of this blog to make public and how much I want to keep private. I want to share how I'm doing with all the wonderful people in my life, but I want to respect the privacy of the farm where I'm working and not put all the details of its workings on the internet for anybody to read. I also want to have a place to post my musings without filling everybody's inboxes with weekly updates of "guess how many names of different varieties of hot peppers I learned *this* week!"

More detail than you needed: I thought about doing this on LiveJournal where posts can be private or public, but I didn't think my mom would want to create an LJ just so she could read the stuff I want locked for people I know. So, I'll try this for a while.

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