Saturday, December 6, 2008

Links! Links!

Just got back from the Young Farmers Conference - I had a great time, met a lot of really cool people, and came away with a lot of really positive energy and a bajillion ideas of things to think about.

Another links post!
Read through the Food Declaration and consider signing it. No matter what you think about foodies or sustainable agriculture, farmers markets, what have you, its basic principles ought to be something everybody can get behind. They're aiming for 300,000 signatures, and are only at 9051 right now.

My techie roommate was rhapsodizing a few years ago about how there is a wiki for everything - she had just found a very helpful physics wiki. I wasn't able to find a soil or plant wiki. But! There is a young farmers wiki. It looks pretty cool.

More links! Check out San Francicso's plans for a new food policy. The Moth had a fun podcast recently about quitting everything and buying a farm. The New Yorker recently looked at beer (I heart fermentation); the Greenhorn Project has a great blog and is making a film about young farmers.

1 comment:

alanajoli said...

It was so nice to see you this weekend! I'm sorry we lost track of you after the concert on Saturday... we old fogies ended up just heading home and crashing. ;) Hope you had a safe trip home!